Have you ever felt like someone was trying to manipulate you by involving another person in your relationship? Have you ever been caught in the middle of a conflict between two people who wanted you to take sides? If so, you may have experienced triangulation, a form of psychological manipulation that can be harmful and toxic.

In this article, we’ll explore what triangulation is, how to recognize it, why people do it, and how to cope with it. We’ll also provide some tips on how to avoid being triangulated or triangulating others.

What Is Triangulation?

Triangulation is a term used to describe when a person uses threats of exclusion or manipulation to divide and conquer others. It can be used by people with insecurity, narcissism, or borderline personality disorder12

Triangulation involves three roles: the victim, the persecutor, and the rescuer. The victim is the person who feels helpless, powerless, or oppressed by the persecutor. The persecutor is the person who blames, criticizes, or attacks the victim. The rescuer is the person who intervenes, supports, or defends the victim3

However, these roles are not fixed and can change depending on the situation. For example, the victim can become the persecutor by accusing the rescuer of being disloyal or unhelpful. The rescuer can become the victim by feeling overwhelmed or exploited by the victim. The persecutor can become the rescuer by offering sympathy or assistance to the victim3

Triangulation can occur in various settings, such as family, romantic, friendship, or workplace relationships. It can also happen online, such as on social media or online forums. Some examples of triangulation are:

Signs of Triangulation

How can you tell if you’re being triangulated or triangulating someone else? Here are some signs to look out for:

Why Do People Triangulate?

People who triangulate others may have various motives, such as:

Impact of Triangulation

Triangulation can have negative consequences for everyone involved, such as:

How to Cope with Triangulation

If you’re being triangulated or triangulating someone else, here are some steps you can take to cope with it:


Triangulation is a form of psychological manipulation that can be harmful and toxic. It involves using threats of exclusion or manipulation to divide and conquer others. It can occur in various settings, such as family, romantic, friendship, or workplace relationships. It can also happen online, such as on social media or online forums.

Triangulation can have negative consequences for everyone involved, such as damaging trust, communication, and intimacy in relationships, causing stress, anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem in individuals, creating conflict, resentment, or hostility among groups, and interfering with personal or professional growth and development.

To cope with triangulation, you can recognize the signs and patterns of triangulation, set healthy boundaries and limits, communicate directly and honestly, seek support from other sources, and focus on your own well-being and happiness.

Remember, you deserve to have healthy, respectful, and fulfilling relationships with others. Don’t let triangulation ruin them. 🌟


  1. What Is Triangulation in Psychology? – Verywell Mind
  2. Triangulation – Wikipedia
  3. Triangulation – from Wolfram MathWorld

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