plushy Couture

My first Blog post!

As human beings, we all yearn for connection and belonging. We want to be accepted for who we are, flaws and all. However, sometimes we get caught up in seeking external validation and approval from others, to the point where we compromise our true selves. This was the case for me, until I embarked on my healing journey to creating a happier me and expressing myself without fear of others' disapproval. I call this journey "Plush Relationships."

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Oceanic Inspiration

Winding veils round their heads, the women walked on deck. They were now moving steadily down the river, passing the dark shapes of ships at anchor, and London was a swarm of lights with a pale yellow canopy drooping above it. There were the lights of the great theatres, the lights of the long streets, lights that indicated huge squares of domestic comfort, lights that hung high in air.

No darkness would ever settle upon those lamps, as no darkness had settled upon them for hundreds of years. It seemed dreadful that the town should blaze for ever in the same spot; dreadful at least to people going away to adventure upon the sea, and beholding it as a circumscribed mound, eternally burnt, eternally scarred. From the deck of the ship the great city appeared a crouched and cowardly figure, a sedentary miser.


Copper wire, wood base. I created this piece in late 2008. For this work, I aimed to convey both the industrial heaviness of an airplane, but also the cloudlike floating quality you feel when you’re in one.

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